My life has meaning

Search history for a self-defined term


  • Life is a process that extends over time, which seems endless; system of related elements.
  • My life is a sub-process that has a beginning and an end; system of related elements (personality).
  • Apparent infinity – the impossibility of determining duration and cyclicity.
  • Event – change of states of system elements;
  • Time is an ordered sequence of events connected by cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Meta-properties of the system are integrity and diversity of elements.
  • The meta-meaning of life is maintaining the integrity and diversity of elements.


  • Space. Separation of internal and external.
  • Logics. Observation of regulators of cause-and-effect relationships of elements (laws).
  • Time. Changing system states; duration, cyclicality.
  • Personality (individuality). Volitional center.
  • Meta-structure of the material world.

Meta-structure of the system

  • Внешнее – внутреннее
  • Целое – часть
  • Причина – следствие
  • Случайность – определенность
  • Структурность – аморфность
  • Движение – покой
  • External – internal
  • Whole – part
  • Cause – effect
  • Randomness – certainty
  • Structurality – amorphousness
  • Movement – immobility


  • Receptor – perception of external information
  • Affector – transfer of information to the outside world to influence it
  • Core – storage and processing of information


The usual thing: first Access Violation at XXXXX, then INT0 and start from the beginning. Almost from the beginning.


After all, if the stars light up -
Does that mean anyone needs this?
So, does anyone want them to exist?
So, someone calls these spittoons
a pearl? 
And, straining
in blizzards of midday dust,
rushes to God,
afraid of being late,
kisses his sinewy hand,
asks -
there must be a star! -
swears -
will not endure this starless torment!
And then he walks around anxiously,
but calm on the outside.
Says to someone:
“You feel good now?
Not scary?
After all, if the stars
light up -
Does that mean anyone needs this?
This means it is necessary
so that every evening
over the roofs
Did at least one star light up?!

V.V. Mayakovsky

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