Table of contents

📝 Theory🔨 Practice
What is non-code development? Who can become a non-code developer? Limitations of non-code technology.
My Visual Database Features Overview
Scope, DBMS used, stored data and visual components of MVDB
First application
Installing, configuring and creating your first application in My Visual Database. Overview of the development environment interface.
Software Design Basics
Application Design Basics. Customer requirements and technical specifications. Layout and object approach.
Project “Library” v.1.0
Application with one table. TAForm and TdbStringGridEx components. Properties Name, Top, Left, Width, Height, Sizeable, Editable, Settings, Anchors.
Relational Databases
Structure of relational databases. Types of relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), normalization (first, second and third form).
Database structure editor
Features of the database structure editor built into My Visual Database (MVDB).
Project “Library” v.2.0
An educational non-code project on a library topic to reinforce knowledge about relational databases and information about the capabilities of the MVDB editor.
Form Component Properties Reference (TAForm). General properties of My Visual Database components
Magic MVDB Button
A button is a simple and powerful element of My Visual Database, with the help of which 90% of the main tasks of managing the operation of the application are solved.
Project “Library” v.2.1
We continue to consolidate the acquired knowledge about forms and buttons and are finalizing the “Library” project v.2.0
Displaying Tabular Data
Table component (TdbStringGridEx) – customizing appearance and behavior: filtering, sorting, editing, alignment
Data Input Components
Data input and display components: TextBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, DateTimePicker, Memo, RichEdit, DBImage, DBFile, Calendar.
Editing form
The editing form is intended for adding and changing individual records in the table.
Input text and numbers
The TextBox (TdbEdit) component is used to input text and numeric data (data type: text, integer, real, money)
Project “Library v.2.2”
Editing form. Creation and configuration of buttons for calling the form and saving data. Setting up the delete button.
Dropdown list (TdbComboBox)
Drop-down list (Combo Box) – a component for editing reference fields. Display styles and cascade filtering.
Date and time (TdbDateTimePicker)
A universal component for inputing and displaying dates and times with a drop-down calendar.
Input long text (TdbMemo)
Component for entering and displaying multi-line text information TdbMemo.
Project Library v.3.0.
Components for inputing numbers, dates, and multiline text. Setting up a drop-down list for editing reference values.
Checkbox (TdbCheckBox)
The CheckBox component is used to input two Boolean values: “Yes” or “No” (True, False).
Calendar (TdbCalendar)
Component for displaying a calendar. Enter one or more dates. Display of several months.
Image storage
Storing images in My Visual Database. TdbImageDataBase component – storage in database and file storage.
File storage (TdbFileDataBase)
The TdbFileDataBase component is designed to store arbitrary files in a database
Project Library v.4.0.
Educational project “Library”. Using a checkbox, as well as components for storing files and images.
Text editor (TdbRichEdit)
Text editor (TdbRichEdit) with extensive capabilities for text formatting, inserting images and tables with the ability to print.
Edit form with child table
In some cases, on the editing form it is necessary to place not only fields for data entry, but also a table that displays detailed information related to the data being edited.
Project Library v.4.1.
Educational project “Library”. Using the advanced editor, as well as setting up a table to display child information.
Additional components
Additional components display static data or data that is already in the database. Container components are designed to group child components to improve appearance or functionality.
Label (TdbLabel)
Label is a simple component that is used to display static text.
Images (TdbImage)
A component for placing static images on a form, supports the following formats: jpeg, png, bmp, gif.
Group (TdbGroup)
A Group Box is a container: a frame on a background, the color of which matches the color of the parent component, with a label in the upper left corner.
Panel (TdbPanel)
The panel component (TdbPanel) is a container for placing other elements, as well as a decorative element: you can set the color and customize the frame.
Multi-page panel and tabs
The multi-page panel allows you to place components on separate tabs and switch the display of tabs using shortcuts.
Map (TdbMap)
The component allows you not only to display a Google map, but also to visualize marks on it, information about which is in the database.
Counter (TdbCounter)
This interface element is required if your table in your project has a field of the COUNTER type. The component looks like a text input field, but only serves to display a value.
GUI Design Basics
Basic principles for designing a user interface, which above all should be simple and understandable.
Project “Library” v.4.2.
We add decorative elements to the program interface that add style and increase ease of use.
Search and filtering
My Visual Database has a built-in filtering mechanism based on modifying an SQL query to retrieve data.
Table: additional functions
You can use a table as a data source for reference fields. This method may be useful in special cases.
Displaying tree information
The TreeView component is used to display data in a hierarchical form (tree structure).
Access Control
Access control allows you to configure the user interface so that a group of users specified in the settings has access only to certain parts of the application or information.

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