
The Developer’s Guide is an editable reference book containing information about the My Visual Database development environment, as well as a registry of user projects created on this platform.



Key Features

  • Hierarchical list of projects
  • Hierarchical list of typical tasks with solution examples
  • Description of classes (methods, properties, events)
  • List of built-in functions and procedures
  • List of global variables
  • List of classes supported by scripts
  • Description of language operators
  • List of key (reserved) words
  • Using visual design styles

Operations implemented in the program:

  • Synchronization of project folders: adding projects, analyzing the modular structure, creating a list of procedures and functions
  • Visualization of individual program parts of the project: modules and procedures/functions with syntax highlighting
  • Cleaning projects (removing unnecessary files)
  • Formatting project source codes in the Delphi standard
  • Opening a project in the development environment
  • Comprehensive search by keywords
  • Maintaining a snippet database (pieces of code for solving a specific problem)


  • Developer’s Guide 1.8, project.rar – archive with the program and project files


The program is free and distributed without restrictions.

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